I feel like blogging again! :)
Friday, June 11, 2010
Posted by sharon x) at 8:23 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Reviving this dead place...
I got so bored of blogging ever since I came back from NS.
Posted by sharon x) at 11:52 PM 0 comments
Monday, February 15, 2010
so far...
I'm back from National Service for these 5 days. I've been sleeping in, something I haven't had the chance to do since joining NS. In NS, sleeping in on a Saturday morning would mean sleeping till 8am. Yes, that's considered LATE.
Loads of people have been asking how camp is so far. Well, all I can say is that it was certainly a wonderful experience for me; Getting to know people of all races, all religions and all walks of life.
I started out my first day in camp worried, because although I had made a couple of friends, I didn’t have the confidence that I’ll be making more friends. So there was the nagging fear in me that I would live the next 3 months with say, only 2 friends.
Well, thank You God for helping me mix around more :) I started out shy, (and I’ll bet that most of you would agree that you thought I was shy too when you first met me :P) but now I find it so easy to just strike up a conversation with the person next to me, regardless of the fact that he or she may be a complete stranger to me.
What do we do in NS?
1. We had 2 modules of
(the music lasts for 10 minutes and acts like a school bell for us)
2. Then we had Kelas Integrasi for a week, where I happen to land in the most awesome class ever. Even though the classes are from 9am-4.30pm for a week, I think I can safely say that I spent most of my time having fun laughing with the retarded people there :D
3. We have physical activities.eg: taekwondo, sukan kreativiti, marching,etc…
4. We have riadah where we play sports games or dance.
5. Then we have the special, once-in-a-while activities like jungle-tracking, kayaking, rafting, FLYING FOX!.
6. We are given meals 6 times a day, and in between we snack on maggi cup, biscuits, muffins, tuna, buns, NIPS
7. We have practices for Kebudayaan Night which is our last night in NS. I’m in Indian dance!teehee
8. We have morning exercise at 6.30am every morning.
9. Oh, and we have roll call every.single.night. They make us sing 4 songs almost every night- The Khidmat Negara song, Jalur Gemilang, Keranamu
And our very sporting commander lets us jump around and dance and do whatever.
It’s like partying to patriotic songs. haha
10. and, our commander has movie time for us. We’ve watched Avatar and Sherlock Holmes.
Like on the last night before CNY break, he was like ‘whoever wants to sleep can go back to the dorm, and whoever wants to watch movie can stay back’. So the hall turned into like a cinema, everyone bringing food, sitting around and hanging out.
Yeah, our commander is that cool :)
Fast forward to now, I just wanna thank all the lovely people who made my one and a half months in NS a fantastic time. I’ll be looking forward to the last 1 month in NS :)
and to you people who i haven't seen in a long time: DULC solidyouth people and my wonderful high school friends (you know who you are), i miss you guys so so so so much. Take care while I'm gone, I'll catch up with you when I get back :)
Posted by sharon x) at 9:53 AM 1 comments
Thursday, December 31, 2009
National Service, people!
Feel free to leave comments, drop messages and spam in my chat box while I’m gone. I’ll be back to read them :)
Posted by sharon x) at 5:18 PM 0 comments
...and Solid Youth strikes again!
Solid Youth Camp 2009
Pantai Indah Seaview Resort, Klang.
[28th-30th Dec 09]
Camp was a blast. It was jam-packed with activities the whole 3 days. And yeah, I DID have fun :D
Thanks for the 'farewell' you guys. But don't miss me too much, I'll only be gone for less than 3 months. Don't ruin my reputation while I'm gone xD
Solid Youth Camp Cautions 101
1. Do not do like 100 of the squats thingy during workshops when you haven't been exercising for months because you'll get muscle aches even before stepping into National Service.
2. Never accept Oreo Cookies from people (eg: YC and Edward) when they offer them ONLY to you, because the oreos would most probably have been filled with toothpaste (Darlie Brand)
3. Do not put toothpaste on Sharon's room door to trick her, because when she finds out, the toothpaste will end up on your face.
4. Do not get a sorethroat just before camp or you might not be able to scream with the rest of us in Heart Attack.You'll just miss out all the fun.
5. Get ready to be labeled as Tofu Backside everytime you do something wrong :P
Posted by sharon x) at 5:17 PM 0 comments
Next year is tomorrow.
This year, I shall not make any New Year Resolutions because I think I’m good enough already and therefore, do not need to improve in anything anymore :D
NO lah. It’s because I KNOW that I can never keep resolutions, never for more than 3 months anyway.
Well, next year (or tomorrow) will definitely be a huge leap forward for me. No more school, no more uniforms and timetables and clipping up my hair everyday. It’ll be National Service, college (which one???), new friends, new environments.
All I want to do is to trust my Lord Jesus Christ in every step I take because I know that He has a great and wonderful plan for me ahead. The way has been prepared, I just need to trust Him and take one step at a time.
Trust the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight.
Proverbs 3:5-6
And I choose to trust the Lord.
Posted by sharon x) at 5:12 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Trip To Langkawi and Penang [17th-20th Dec 09]
DAY 1:
- Arrived in school at 6am. Crazy time! I was late. Hehe, not the latest, but was late :P

[hui shan, min yee, me, charis, lynn, shiau ling, jiax, sze geet]
3. Watched 2012 on the bus. The ‘helpful’ people who watched already kept yelling out what would happen next :
who would die next, when the floor would crack, when the volcano would erupt, when the crazy mental dude would die. haha XD
4. Arrived at Kuala Perlis Jetty for lunch.
[me, celeste, shu yi]
6. Arrived at Langkawi around 4.30pm, then took a bus to our hotel :
Aseanea Resort.
7. Played around the beach! :)
[me, lynn, shiau ling]
8. BBQ at the beach. GREAT FOOD. We started our Guardian Angel game, so it was a good time to serve and be served :P .Had games after that.
9.Headed back to rooms around 10pm. I bought HOTCUP at the mini mart. People! Stop lecturing me about maggi being cancerous!
- Breakfast. We were late. I don’t know why every time I’m on trips, the room I’m in always ends up being late. (Solid youth camp people, watch out.).
2. Cable car. SCARY! And it doesn’t help that Ji Wan kept reminding me that the hinges of the cable car were rusted. gah!
HOWEVER, top view: wonderful :)
NO LAH. the bridge survived our crazy jumps :D

[ji wan, mabel, charis, lynn, min yee, jian kai, weil shern, me, shiau ling, wei lian]
Loved sitting on that motor boat thing! :D

[weil shern, me, shiau ling]
4. We had dinner at some Seafood Restaurant.
2. Took ferry there. They were showing some movie using pirated dvds. And the ferry was freezing cold!
3. Went to the Toy Factory! No, it was NOT childish! It was more of reminiscing our childhood memories, going:
‘eh!Pokemon!Look at that Pikachu!’
‘awww…I loved Barbie Dolls’.
Now THIS, is what I’d call a real beach:
Horse riding, banana boats, jet-skis, parachute things, flying Frisbees, screaming kids, you name it :)
Banana boat was funny weh. We’re SUPPOSED to be tipped off the boat at some point right? So there we were, screaming and having the time of our lives, then in the middle of the sea, someone must have fell off, tilting the whole boat, then every.single.one. of us were thrown off. We were in so much shock, then when we resurfaced, instead of the boat man instructing us what to do next, he started scolding us and said that we did that on purpose and if we were to get stung by jelly fish, it’ll serve us right. We must have pissed him off coz he didn’t tilt us overboard anymore, but it was still fun! :)
keep rocking the boat people!

And 'lucky' us! We got like the worst room ever. No. 1, you can’t use the main elevator to go to our room, because you’ll end up facing the restaurant there. So you’ll have to use the BACK elevator. Then you’ll end up in some dark place that faces some store, and at the corner, you can see two rooms :268 and 288.
We were in 268, the guys in the other room. So obviously, we were given some worker’s room at the back of the restaurant kitchen or something. Gah.
Good thing we stayed there only one night.
DAY 4:
( I should stop writing this, we’re ALWAYS late)
2. Checked out of the place.
3. Stopped by shops like chocolate shops, local food products shop, etc.
Took the opportunity to eat all the free sample food there.hee.typical stingy malaysian.
4. Had lunch and cendol at some famous place.
5. Reached school.
6. Then reached home.
I miss you guys so much!
I think I can say that 5s7 has made my senior year my best year at high school ever!
Credits to everyone who took photographs, I took a lot of the pictures here from facebook ;)
Posted by sharon x) at 3:17 AM 0 comments