Sunday, November 9, 2008

Left school at around 8am on a nice air-coned bus.(a first time, instead of the primary kids size bus we usually take)

Reached Wisma MCA and the auditorium.

This is what we came for:

Hung out inside while waiting for the event to start.

And the event finally started!
And big people came: President of AMCHAM, some ambassador of USA,top ppl of big companies, ministry of education, the press,etc..

And to Rebecca see: I found your long-lost twin

The becca see look-alike. x)

Kaiboon & Christine presenting for our school!

And…WE WON!!

1st place for Best Annual Report
1st place for Best Product Report
3rd place for Best use of ICT
Overall Champion for the Best Enterprise!!!!!

And Citibank treated to a buffet at Nikko Hotel, Kuala Lumpur: (thanks Citibank!!)

i ate so much: mussels, salmon, chocolate, venison, cheese,etc...

And btw, we LURRRRVVVV the Nikko Hotel’s toilets!

Basically, had a great day. :)