Friday, November 28, 2008

Family Day Out

So yesterday, my dad took my bro and me to Holiday Villa to spent some family together-ness time :)

On the way we passed by Shah Alam city, so after lunch, and since we were near it, we went into the museum.There were some stuff for sale and the guy was telling us all about
gramaphones and old typrewrites.
And I can’t believe 1 kain tenunan thing that’s like 1m2 costs RM10,000.00

Quite a scary place actually,the whole museum was really quiet.there was only about 2 other families there.

After that we got going to the club.spent the day, swimming, playing table tennis & bowling.

And as usual (as it is in every game of bowling I play) ,the ball never goes where I want it to go.i think the floor is tilted x)

And the longkang really loves my ball too.

But all in all,had quite a fun day.