Thursday, December 11, 2008

Vacation Bible School (VBS) Day1:

Wanna imagine what it feels like to be in VBS? Think 100+ kids in a bungalow sized church.which means: noise, noise and more noise. x)

But it was fun actually. I was put to help in the 5-6 year’s old group,which is the youngest group in the entire program.Hyperactive would be the best word to describe them. But,… they are so so so so adorable! :) AND I CAN REMEMBER ALL THEIR NAMES! :
James (smallest kid in the whole VBS. XD), Castle (unique name right?), Gabriel, Marcus (who is always either drinking water or requesting to go to the toilet), Ru Wei, Joycelyn, Alicia, Darren, Christopher (hyper kid), Addison, Jordan (michelle’s newest best pal :p), Weng Sum and Zi Xuan.

For one of the tasks, SuYin asked the kids to paint our (the helpers) hands black, and we’ll stamp our hand print on their paper. Simple right? but believe me, when you’re with kids, even the most smallest task can turn into something.

so when I’m assign to take care of Christopher, James and Addison,…gosh. They painted my hand up to my wrists all black, my watch was smudge with paint and James even swipe the paint brush across my face.with black paint.

We even played hit the piƱata.and as expected, kids squealing and running all over the room looking for sweets.

There were even some kids from the Precious Home. All the aunties thought that they were the most well-behaved kids there. But I’m glad we could make them happier by inviting them for the program. x)

And Michelle and I acted in the skits. already did 3 today,will do 2 more tomorrow. Turned out better than I expected coz the kids laughed at all the parts that weren’t even that funny.hahah

Oh yeah, the food was great too!we had Mexican food today!:)

Can’t wait for tomorrow!