Tuesday, December 8, 2009

...and I finally did it :)

Guard Pondok

Aim: To step into the guard pondok before I leave high school.

Hypothesis: I will manage to step into the guard pondok.

Materials and Apparatus: Guts. And a pinch of stupidity.


1) Prepare what to say to guards before stepping into the pondok. Get suggestions from friends if necessary.


  1. Su Lynn: “Ada anjing di sekolah ini tak?”
  2. Mei Yih: “HI!! :D”
  3. Shiau Ling: “Today is my last day of high school”
  4. My own idea: “Sekolah ini ada berapa kucing?”

2) Walk into guard pondok after school


1. I went into was pushed into the guard pondok by my friends, narrowly missing some stooopid cat sleeping inside.

2. I stared at the guard

3. He stared at me.

4. Then I said, “err..saya nak tengok ada apa dalam pondok ni.”

Guard: “Ada apa?”

Then I looked around and the other guard was smiling at me like I’m some idiotic school student being a jakoon. Which I probably was.

Me: “err…okay” (then stepping out of the pondok)

Conclusion: I did manage to go into the guard pondok! Hypothesis accepted :)